Expertise in Problem-solving
Every project owner knows that the most unexpected surprise of a project is no surprise. You need a coordination team, who are seasoned and flexible enough, to support you to complete the job successfully.
Close relationship
with landlords
We have a fairly close working relationship with all the major landlords across Canada, which means we may know the specifications and criteria of the project before it begins.
Extensive experience with general contractors
Our “leave it to us” attitude is what sets us apart. No matter what challenges or concerns our clients may meet in their projects, our project coordination team will overcome them down with their utmost effort.
Advanced service
Above all, we fulfill our commitment to clients with our advanced service procedure.
They have helped us through our two separate re-branding programs. Their attention to detail and customer service is second to none. I cannot count how many times they have delivered a quality sign on short notice.
Forward Signs has consistently provided us quality products with quick turnaround and efficient installation. They are quick to address any concerns we may have and we are happy to have Forward Signs as a partner.
Forward Signs project management team is very organized and detailed which allows them to stay on plan when executing the design, permitting and installation process. In addition, Forward Signs has a great working relationship with all major landlords, and they are familiar with the specifications and criteria of each mall.